Friday, September 23, 2011

I just Held it in

Sometimes, when life goes too smooth. Beware. It's a sign of bad things coming over. Tomorrow the mates are going to London for the design festival ): but without me. Because I haven't completely settle down my stuffs. Appointments crashed, fml. Think will be going other nearer place to chill in this weekend with Jon them instead of course mates ):

my daily routine after I'm in UK, always cheer me up a lil ♥

As if the things could be just little go on the way that I wished for, how great that will be ): but it's alright. Just gotta used to it, this is life man. Miss my backbone girlfriends and buddies ): I miss the outings, yumcha, fun night and occasions. Today when they asked about my birthday, I don't feel really happy at all. Because I'm passing without my closest people ): well, time to hit the sack. night peeps :)

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