Tuesday, March 27, 2012

It's Spring and Summer

Last week had a photoshooting session with Paniz, she is so kind to be our model. and I think we made a good choice, she is simply lovely ;D Spent around 4hours for shooting, and that is tiring that I expected. Anyway, is still a good experience since it's my first official photoshooting (:

photographers get warmed up
 headed to Canon Hill Park
 our beautiful Iranian model :D
 behind the scene, look at Rui's pose lol

here's some pics taken by me, click to enlarge if you want to ;D

click the link below for more pictures ;)

recently schedule is so packed and I feel so tiring and lazy ): I need to work more before easter break comes! and I'm sad because of the trip up to the north is cancel, I mean I'm not going with them. because of  what I think is better to stay at brummie for assignment ): since I'm such a lazy bump bump. keep some time for work should be a wiser choice (: Anyway, I'm still heading to south for a short trip hehee :D

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