Wednesday, October 22, 2014

It will be Worth It

It has been almost one month since I left home. Schedule is busy, with work and settling down. Many things happened, and I was trying to keep this blog alive. Maybe just some short and important post. Need more time to rest instead. After move out and live alone, the life routine is kinda like when I was in brum. Recently watching a HK drama. A scene which truly touched my heart.

" everyone wants happiness, no one wants pain. but you can't have a rainbow without a little rain "

Another thing to mentioned. It is like finally, I did my second ink. It did took me some time to decide what I want. It is a motivation for my new journey. It is a rhombus, represent diamond. I hope I can gain more inner strength, and remember no one can break me. I am precious.

fresh ink

I always tell people, do something won't make yourself regret. Be rational. But be brave too. Dare to make mistake to color your life. Don't let it dull. You will be fine. Have faith.