An overdue post, but finally get done with it :D The easter week trip last station, Bath. Lesley and Su Ning has gone back, so this trip is only 5 of us. Jass, the one who stay at Bristol. She came here very often, so we got a tour guide ;D
Morning faces, the boys grabbed a coffee and there we go!
first stop, the Bath's oldest houses - famous Sally Lunn bun
typical chinese, love it in salty instead of sweet flavor. Bacon with Cheese, my choice.
credits to Wei
while otw to Roman Bath, spotted kids happy playing around
there we got in to Roman Bath
lower ground view
the three boys
after Roman Bath, we illegally sneak into Bath Abbey Cathedral for a while :b
look at the future lawyer so concentrate doing revision, not even spotted Weng
sigh seeing time, love this shot (:
the trademark landscape at Bath
feel tiring, while heading back. Spotted this pig at the corner. happy 4 piggie *lol*
night, Dinner at Jass's place. She really can cook :D
So here I wrap up my easter week trip :D I believe in my Instagram and facebook is more update pictures. It is May already, I believe is the final month for all uni students. Everyone busy for doing assignment and revision for final papers (: Aja Aja ! So do I !